Configuration Variables


.. DEBUG:: boolean (default = False)

If the application should be ran under the run mode.

.. PORT:: integer (default = 5000)

The port to be used by the default http server when binding to the socket.


The PORT value is not used when running in contained WSGI.

.. HOST:: string (default = "")

The port to be used by the default http server when binding to the socket. This value may be in case the user want to bind to every interface on the system (may be insecure).


The HOST value is not used when running in contained WSGI.

E-mail / SMTP

.. SMTP_HOST:: string

Hostname or IP address of the server to be used as gateway for sending smtp messages (e-mails) under quorum.

This value may contain an optional port value separated by a : character.

.. SMTP_USER:: string

Username to be used in the authentication process on the SMTP connections used for sending email messages.


Most of the times the username is an email address and as such it’s also used as the default fallback value for the sender value for outgoing emails.

.. SMTP_PASSWORD:: string

Password to be used in the authentication process on the SMTP connections used for sending email messages.


.. MONGOHQ_URL:: string

The url to be used for the establishment of connection to the MongoDB server. It must contain authentication information, host, port and optionally the default database to be used.


An example url for mongo would be something like mongodb://root:root@db.hive:27017.


.. REDISTOGO_URL:: string


RabbitMQ / AMQP

.. CLOUDAMQP_URL:: string


Amazon Web Services

.. AMAZON_ID:: string


.. AMAZON_SECRET:: string


.. AMAZON_BUCKET:: string


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